January 21, 2019 Rodney Kinney

Pet Tattoos – Immortalize your Best Friend

Those of us that have fur friends know the love and joy they bring is endless.

Have you ever thought about getting your friend tattooed on yourself? Below are some of our favorites from pet lovers that want to keep that connection with them forever. They can take many shapes to fit the animal and person – paw prints, portraits, and doodles with color splashes are just a few! (Some are calling them “pettoos” which we find particularly clever!) The possibilities are endless, but let’s go through some of the most popular ones:

Paw Prints
One of the simplest ways to remember your pal – put their paw on an ink stamp or dip their paw in a little paint and place it on a canvas or piece of paper! This one is definitely most popularized with dog paws, but you could pretty much do it with any animal – cat, hedgehog, ferret, horse, etc.
**Please make sure to use non-toxic paint and to FULLY clean their paws off so they don’t ingest the paint!

Tattoo by Kenny(Dirk)Green Pawprint Tattoo by Christy  Feel free to put in a little color and a name, too!

Our loveable friends are with us for a short time, but they touch our hearts deeply – you can always add an extra phrase, quote, or saying to their memory.

Realistic looking portraits are very popular for famous people or family members, why not extend that to furry family members? Bring in a picture of the subject, and your tattoo artist will create a beautiful portrait.

Realistic fur and eyes are the key to portraits – WarmArt artists have a special knack at these and would love to put your pal on your skin.

Would you ever consider getting a tattoo of your cat/dog/horse/hedgehog/whatever? Stop by today and tell us what you want!

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